In this series of courses you will get to grips with using Python, even if you have never programmed before.  This series covers all the material in the individual Python courses available and follows a structured and supportive learning experience. You will code along with me and learn:

-       Downloading and setting up your IDE

-       Different types of data available to use in Python

-       How to write lists, tuples and ranges

-       Complete a real data practice available to hone your skills learnt so far

-       Control flow in Python, so how to ask questions of your data using if, elif and else statements

-       How to construct the unbelievably useful for and while loops to automate actions in your code

-       Finally, how to write a basic function and use it

-       Then we combine functions, control flow and loops and a final real data practice for you to practice everything you have learnt

More in depth descriptions of each course are available in their descriptions.

When you have watched the videos practice your skills with the workbook.

This series contains 102 video tutorials with 5 hours of videos and 20 downloadable and printable workbooks.  On average it takes around 27 hours to fully complete. When you buy a course you get an email with the link and password to the course. All you need to do is go to the relevant web page and type in the password. You will then have unlimited access to the course for one month.

This course is suitable for people who have no prior experience or knowledge and will take you to being comfortable to manipulate and integrate data with Python code. 

To get the full benefit from this course you will need to be comfortable with the following skills:

- the ability to follow a video tutorial

- the willingness to learn a new skill


If you want to continue your Python learning journey then I would recommend moving onto Graph Plotting In matplotlib.

Or if you are after something specific have a look at the other courses available at